Monday 12 September 2011


Strepsils is the world's first commercially available medicated throat lozenge. 

It has been in the Indian market for more than four decades and has lived up to its promise of being an expert in throat care, 'The Gale ka No 1 All Rounder'. The brand belongs to Boots Piramal Healthcare Pvt. Ltd., a 49-51 joint venture in the business of over-the-counter medicines, between the domestic Nicholas Piramal Ltd. and Boots Plc of the United Kingdom. Boots Piramal also boasts of several well-known brands like Saridon, Strepsils Icy, Sweetex, Clearasil, Lacto Calamine and Polycrol.

The addition of Tartaric Acid not only improved the taste but also provided the acidic conditions which best suited the efficacy of the active agents. When launched, Strepsils was available only on prescription. Over the years, however, and throughout its markets Strepsils has been deregulated or introduced as an over-the-counter (OTC) medicine.

In India, Strepsils was launched in 1963 in its original formulation – christened as Regular.Nine years later, two more flavours were introduced: orange and lemon. Ginger lemon a completely local Indian flavour was launched
in 1977. The five-flavour menu was completed with the launch of Menthol in the mid 1990s.

Product :-The integrity of the original Strepsils formulation has never been altered, simply because its effectiveness has never waned. However, over the years, packaging for Strepsils has been modified to meet the demands of an evolving market and to maintain a healthy price position. The brand has three distinct products in the market:
Strepsils Medicated throat lozenge, which forms the core, contains two antibacterial ingredients, AMC and DCBA, and provides quick relief from sore throat. Strepsils Pain Relief contains the unique ingredient, Hexylresorcinol, which fights bacteria and numbs pain and is the first OTC product in the Indian market for a painful sore throat. The product is available in a distinctive, easy-tocarry zip lock pocket pack. Strepsils Cough Fighter has a unique blend of six herbal ingredients which provide quick relief from coughs and soothes sore throats.

Recent Developments :- The last year has seen a flurry of activity with the launch of Strepsils Cough Fighter and Strepsils Pain Relief, both line extensions. The Cough Syrups’ category is much larger and ‘more’ mass. With their launch Strepsils aims to expand its franchise and completely own the throat care expertise mind space. These extensions have also made a significant and positive impact on Strepsils’ brand image and have taken it one step closer to the throat ailment hierarchy. There have also been ignificant efforts to contemporarise and refresh the brand through revitalised packaging and sharper communications.

Strepsils has positioned itself as the global throat care expert by skilfully building on the back of an obvious fact: a clear voice comes from a clear throat.

Strepsils as a brand has a distinct image in the minds of consumers. One of the most enduring images and a symbol for the brand was the ‘MGM lion’ campaign that instantly warmed up to consumers and still remains fresh in their minds. Created very early in the brands’ history, the distinct image of the MGM lion’s roar and cough, immediately touched a chord with consumers across all ages.

In the recent past Strepsils has associated itself with communications based on the one space embedded with consumers – Cricket. Launching the ‘Master Blaster’ capsule during cricket tournaments proved to be a success. But it actually struck the right chords by extending its association with voice, through the innovative ‘Strepsils Clear Speak’ campaign during the last World Cup across different media including TV, print and radio. Strepsils Clear Speak featured interesting, controversial comments made by cricketers, commentators and celebrities.

Inducing trials amongst consumers always provides a platform for innovative and exciting promotions. Most often consumer promotions have to be sensitive to the product fit and the initiative by Strepsils Cough Fighter during the monsoons immediately drew a receptive response from consumers.

Providing a free thermometer with every pack of Strepsils instantly appealed to consumer sensibilities given the common frequency of people catching fever during the monsoons. It clearly enhanced the Strepsils’ equity as a caring, trustworthy brand.

Strepsils’ endeavour has been to drive the brand on product efficacy through simple consumer insights. Bearing in mind how a sore throat can easily affect a person’s day, a range of throat care products and promotions is being developed to ensure that simple daily routines do not feel like burdening chores.

Strepsils recently celebrated its 40th anniversary by rewarding its trade and business partners.

Public relations have played a critical role in ensuring the brands’ awareness and trial generation among the target audiences.During the season, Strepsils is very visible through its various advertorials and tips on sore throat and cough management. It also has a panel of experienced doctors on the Strepsils Throat Care Advisory who can be called for guidance on any sore throat/cough related queries.

While it is not easy to put a precise number to sales generated through promotions, the fact is that the investment in below-the-line activities has quietly consolidated Strepsils’ position as the throat care expert.

Brand Values :-
The complete throat care expert is a line that rightly defines the Strepsils franchise. Strepsils has always been seen as a brand that’s efficacious, soothing, caring, pleasant tasting and consistent. A heritage of over 40 years in India has seen it emerge as a brand that people trust and rely upon.

While it’s often seen as a traditional brand, a new sense of contemporary appeal has been initiated to rejuvenate an association with the younger generation.

Things you didn't know about Strepsils

1. The name Strepsils is derived from the Streptococcus bacteria which are one of the world’s most common causes of sore throats.

2. Strepsils was the world’s first medicated sore throat lozenge commercially available.

3. Strepsils relieves more sore throats for people around the world than any other throat lozenge.

4. Several traffic constables in Mumbai carry Strepsils to combat the effects of pollution on their throats.

5. Strepsils began life in 1950 as an antiseptic gargle.

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